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Exams & CCE

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation refers to system of school based assessment that covers all aspects student's development. The comprehensive component CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of the child's personality. It includes assessment in scholastic and co-scholastic aspect in student's growth. Students will be evaluated both in scholastic and non scholastic areas as per the guidelines & norms of the CBSE.

Examination Bulletin 2016 - 17

The examination bulletin given below is tentative. Changes received from the CBSE & AEES will be communicated from time to time.

* For class IX & X, the SA-1 & SA-2 exam will be conducted as per the CBSE schedule

Examination Reforms and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in the Central Board of Secondary Education

“The Central Board of Secondary Education introduced Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in Primary Classes in 2004. The achievement records and its formats was also circulated for Classes I to V with the objective of facilitating holistic learning in the school. The focus was on identifying the talents of the learner and empowering with positive inputs. The Board recommended a five point rating scale, it also recommended the elimination of the pass/fail system at the primary classes). The Board has also followed it up by extending this scheme up to classes VI to VIII and developed a CCE card on School Based Assessment for the same.

The scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) will be now further strengthened in all affiliated schools from October 2009. The Class IX students will be assessed through the CCE by the school itself.

As per the new pattern, students will be assessed in two areas - Scholastic and Co-scholastic.

For assessment of the scholastic areas, the academic year is divided in two terms and two types of tests will be conducted to assess the academic subjects as given in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Formative Assessment

The formative assessment is a tool for a teacher to continuously monitor the progress of a student. The assessment (in secondary) may include quizes, conversations, oral testing, visual testing, projects, practical, assignments, class test, class-work, home work etc. The teacher is free to take any number of formative tests in his/her subject during the year but only four formative tests will be taken into account in each subject. Performance of the students will b reflected in grades.

In primary classes the formative tests will be in the form of Dictation, oral test, class test, home work, class work, assignments & projects, Memory test, Story telling, Quiz, Elocution (III to V) or any other tool found suitable by the teacher or as prescribed in the yearly planner. The formative tests are purely informal.

Summative Assessment

The Summative assessment is the terminal assessment of performance at the end of instruction. Under the end term Summative assessment, the students will be tested internally. The Summative assessment will be in the form of a pen-paper test conducted by the schools themselves. It will be conducted at the end of each term twice in a year.

Summative and Formative Assessments

In the first term the weightage given to formative assessment (FA 1 + FA 2) is 20%. The weightage given to SA 1 is 30%. Schools should assess the students in the entire syllabus meant for the first term in SA 1. What it means is that there may be one or two units that are transacted after FA 2. These units will be included for assessment in SA 1. Similarly, in the second term, the rest of the syllabus will be assessed in SA2. It implies that teachers need not be unduly concerned about assessment of the units/lessons that are taught after conducting FA4. These units/ lessons along with the others meant for second term will be covered by SA 2 for 30%. It is also to be noted that if any unit/ lesson has not been formatively assessed due to time constraint, it will be assessed summatively at the end of each term.

The total of marks obtained by each student in the formative tasks will be calculated and reduced to 10 marks. For instance, if three tasks of 10 marks each have been given for FA1 and a student obtains 6, 6 and 4 in these tasks, the total obtained by the student will be 16 out of 30. The weightage for 10 will be (16 ÷ 30) × 10 = 5.33 = 5 = Grade C2 (The total will be rounded off to the next whole number if the decimal is 0.5 or more. If less, it will be ignored). Similarly the mark will be calculated for FA2, FA3 and FA4 and the total will yield the marks in formative assessment out of 40% marks for the whole academic session.

Grading System

All assessment with regard to the academic status of the students shall be done in marks and overall assessment will be given in grades in 9 point scale in secondary (classes IX & X), 7 point scale for middle school (classes VI to VIII) and 5 point scale for primary (classes I to V). The report cards will carry the grades only.

The performance of the students in the primary classes will also be shown in GRADES (5 point scale) as per previous practice. The grades will be given on the basis of performance of the students in all the 6 tests. The new grading system is given below in Table-3.



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